Amendments for chatham county
Please see the Minutes of the July 30, 2021 Commission meeting for the most up to date version of this Chapter.
ARTICLE I - Alcoholic Beverages Code
- §17-101 Title
- §17-102 Definitions
- §17-103 Jurisdiction
- §17-104 Business Must Apply for License
- §17-105 Expiration Date of Licenses
- §17-106 Classifications and Fees
- §17-107 Tax on Wholesalers
- §17-108 Sale Prohibited if Taxes Are Not Paid
- §17-109 Possession by Retailers Prohibited Unless Taxes Are Paid
- §17-110 Granting the License
- §17-111 Rules and Regulations
- §17-112 Reserved
- §17-113 Sunday Sales
- §17-114 License Application Classifications
- §17-115 Licensing Procedures
- §17-116 Reserved
- §17-117 Enforcement
- §17-118 Revocation of License
- §17-119 Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances
- §17-120 Severability
- §17-121 Effective Date
- §17-122 Water Craft and Excursion Boats
- §17-123 Alcoholic Beverage Excise Tax
ARTICLE II - County Restrictions
- §17-201 County Facilities
- §17-202 Penalties for Violation
- §17-203 Repeal
- §17-204 Severability
ARTICLE III - The Chatham County Nude Dancing Ordinance
- §17-301 Title
- §17-302 Jurisdiction
- §17-303 Findings; Public Purpose
- §17-304 Enforcement
- §17-305 Severability
- §17-306 Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances
ARTICLE IV - Alcoholic Beverage Caterer Ordinance
- §17-401 Title
- §17-402 Definitions
- §17-403 Jurisdiction
- §17-404 Eligibility for Off-Premises License; Application; Fee
- §17-405 Business Must Apply for License
- §17-406 Expiration of License
- §17-407 Fee
- §17-408 Event Permits
- §17-409 Violations
- §17-410 Enforcement
- §17-411 Revocation of License
- §17-412 Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances
- §17-413 Severability
- §17-414 Effective Date
Chapter 18: Licensing and Regulation
ARTICLE I - Airports and Aircraft
- §18-101 Discharging Firearms
- §18-102 Purpose to Insure Passenger Safety
- §18-103 Penalty for Violation
ARTICLE II - Chatham County Airspace Zoning Ordinance for Savannah Airport
- §18-201 Enactment Claus
- §18-202 Short Title
- §18-203 Purposes and Intent
- §18-204 Legal Status Provision
- §18-205 Jurisdiction
- §18-206 Definitions
- §18-207 Airspace Zones Established
- §18-208 Height Limits Established
- §18-209 Nonconforming Obstructions
- §18-210 Permits
- §18-211 Hazard Marking and Lighting Required
- §18-212 Removal of Nonconforming Obstructions
- §18-213 Variances Prohibited
- §18-214 Administrative Agency
- §18-215 Penalties
ARTICLE III - Helicopter Landing Facilities
- §18-301 Statement of Purpose
- §18-302 Administration
- §18-303 Definitions
- §18-304 Requirements for License
- §18-305 Building Permit and Business License
- §18-306 Air Traffic Rules
- §18-307 Construction
- §18-308 Fencing
- §18-309 Minimum Area
- §18-310 Safety Feature Required
- §18-311 Inspection
- §18-312 Revocation of License
- §18-313 External Load and Temporary Landing Permit
- §18-314 Hours of Flight
- §18-315 Proof of Liability Insurance
- §18-316 Jurisdiction
ARTICLE IV - Parade and Public Assembly Ordinance
- §18-401 Definitions
- §18-402 Permit Required
- §18-403 Exceptions
- §18-404 Application
- §18-405 Review by the County Manager
- §18-406 Appeal of Permit Denial
- §18-407 Intent
- §18-408 Revocation
- §18-409 Effective Date
- §18-410 Severability
Chapter 19: Franchises
ARTICLE I - Cable Television
- §19-101 Purpose
- §19-102 Television defined
- §19-103 Non-exclusive right of franchisees to install system
- §19-104 Application for new franchise, fees, grant or denial, etc.
- §19-105 Compliance with Applicable Laws and Ordinances
- §19-106 Same-term
- §19-107 When installation, etc., to be commenced
- §19-108 Requirements for installation and maintenance of system
- §19-109 Requirements for poles, wires, etc.
- §19-110 Failure of franchisee to complete required street work
- §19-111 Abandonment of property by franchisee
- §19-112 Franchisees subject to Ordinances, etc., regulating street work, etc.
- §19-113 Rates
- §19-114 Protection of County against liability
- §19-115 Annual franchise fees
- §19-116 Right of franchisees to use poles, etc., of public utilities
- §19-117 Joint use of poles to be granted County
- §19-118 Prohibited acts of franchisees
- §19-119 Rights granted to franchisees to be nontransferable, etc.
- §19-120 Rights reserved to County
- §19-121 Annual Service Review Hearing
- §19-122 Complaint Procedure
- §19-123 Local Origination Programming
- §19-124 Miscellaneous Provisions
- §19-125 Limitation on rights, etc., granted
- §19-126 Renewal of franchise
- §19-127 Separability-Invalidity
Chapter 20: Building (Construction) Regulations
ARTICLE I - General Provisions
- §20-101 Statutory Authorization
- §20-102 Repeal of Provisions Ordinance
- §20-103 Scope
- §20-104 Title
- §20-105 Area of Applicability
- §20-106 Severability
- §20-107 Penalties for Violation
- §20-108 Effective Date
ARTICLE II - Adoption of and Amendments to Technical Codes
- §20-201 Adoption of Standard Codes
- §20-202 National Electric Code
- §20-203 Standard Building Code Amendments
- §20-204 Plumbing Code Amendments
- §20-205 Gas Code Amendments
- §20-206 Mechanical Code Amendments
- §20-207 Fire Prevention Code Amendments
- §20-208 Reports of Fires
- §20-209 Arson Reports
- §20-210 National Electrical Code Amendments
- §20-211 CABO One & Two Family Dwelling Code Amendments
- §20-212 Standard Housing Code Amendments
- §20-213 Approval of Site for Wells and Septic Tanks
- §20-214 Approval of Permits by Health Department
- §20-301 In General
- §20-302 Fees Mandatory
- §20-303 Failure to Obtain Permit
- §20-304 Plan Checking Fees
- §20-305 Procedure for Permit Refunds
- §20-306 Re-Inspections
- §20-307 Building Permit Valuations
- §20-308 Permit Fees
- §20-309 Electrical Permit Fees
- §20-310 Miscellaneous Plumbing Permit Fees
- §20-311 Mechanical Permit Fees
- §20-312 Gas Permit Fees
- §20-313 Swimming Pools
- §20-314 Safety Inspection Fee
- §20-315 Manufactured Homes
- §20-316 Docks
- §20-317 Signs
- §20-318 Moving of Building or Structures
- §20-319 Demolition of Building or Structures
- §20-320 Well Installation
- §20-321 Air Curtain Destructor
- §20-322 Landfills, Mining, Ponds
- §20-323 Board of Adjustments and Appeals
- §20-324 Fuel Storage Tanks
- §20-325 Georgia Safety Fire Law - Plan Checking Fee
- §20-326 Georgia Safety Fire Law - Certificate of Occupancy
ARTICLE IV - Temporary Moving/Storage Units
- §20-401 Purpose of Ordinance
- §20–402 Effective Date
Chapter 21: Health, Safety, and Sanitation
ARTICLE I - Health
- §21-101 Appointment of Board of Health
- §21-102 Health Certificate for Restaurants, etc.
- §21-103 Valid Certificate Required
- §21-104 Diseased Persons Prohibited from Employment
- §21-105 Health Examinations and Tests
- §21-106 Meaning of “Restaurant,” etc., Limited
- §21-107 Milk Regulated
- §21-108 Mosquito Control
- §21-109 Inspection of Poultry; Definitions; Sale of Poultry
- §21-110 Enforcement of Chatham County Environmental Health Regulations
- §21-201 Sale and Storage of Fireworks Prohibited
- §21-202 Fireworks, Firearms, etc., Regulated
- §21-203 Handguns
- §21-204 Discharge of Firearms or Explosives
- §21-205 Shooting Matches
ARTICLE III - Sanitation
- §21-301 Definitions
- §21-302 Garbage Receptacles Regulated
- §21-303 Garbage Collections; Permits; Equipment
- §21-304 Incinerators and Sanitary Landfills
- §21-305 Rubbish Fills
- §21-306 Open Burning Regulated
- §21-307 Enforcement of Sanitation Code
- §21-308 Location of Garbage and Refuse
- §21-309 Penalty
- §21-310 Garbage Collections Regulated
- §21-311 Disposable Bags
- §21-312 Litter; Definitions
- §21-313 Same; Prohibitions
- §21-314 Same; Violations
- §21-315 Title
- §21-316 Purpose
- §21-317 Duty of Finance Department
- §21-318 Fees
- §21-319 Applicable Laws
- §21-320 Geographic Scope
- §21-321 Solid Waste Dumpster Design Standards and Requirements
ARTICLE IV - Waste Collection
- §21-401 Authority and Purpose
- §21-402 Definitions
- §21-403 Responsibility of Property Owner/Occupant for Preparation, Separation, Storage and Placement of Waste for Curbside Collection
- §21-404 Self-Management of Yard Waste Materials in Unincorporated Chatham County
- §21-405 Curbside Collection By the County
- §21-406 Drop-off Centers
- §21-407 Post-storm and Disaster Recovery Debris Clean-up
- §21-408 Establishment of a Chatham County Recycling Program
- §21-409 Pilot Curbside Recycling Collection Programs
- §21-410 Repeal of Conflicting Provisions of Other Ordinances
- §21-411 Penalties
- §21-412 Effective Date
ARTICLE V - Property Maintenance
- §21-501 Definitions
- §21-502 Premises Required to Be Kept Clean
- §21-503 Applicability
- §21-504 Notification of Owner
- §21-505 Violations
- §21-506 Abatement by County
- §21-507 Responsibility for Cost
- §21-508 Executions Issued for Cost
- §21-509 Penalties
- §21-510 Appeals
- §21-511 Right of Entry
- §21-512 Transfer of Ownership
- §21-513 Closing of Vacant Structures
- §21-514 Imminent Danger
- §21-515 Minimum Standards for Basic Equipment and Facilities
- §21-516 Minimum Requirements for Light and Ventilation
- §21-517 Designation of Unfit Dwellings and Legal Procedure for Condemnation
ARTICLE VI - Chatham County Biomedical Waste Ordinance
- §21-601 Title
- §21-602 Definitions
- §21-603 Limitation on Disposal of Biomedical Waste
- §21-604 Penalties
- §21-605 Severability
- §21-606 Conflicting Laws Repealed
- §21-607 Exemptions
- §21-608 Effective Date
ARTICLE VII - Chatham County Nuisance Abatement Code
- §21-701 Title, Authority and Scope
- §21-702 Definitions
- §21-703 Inspections and Notice of Hearing
- §21-704 Hearing
- §21-705 The Proceedings
- §21-706 The Record
- §21-707 Orders for Corrective Action
- §21-708 Placarding
- §21-709 Failure to Comply with Order
- §21-710 Demolition
- §21-711 Lien on Property
- §21-712 Procedures for Collection of Amount Due on Lien
- §21-713 Service of Notices and Orders
- §21-714 Nuisance Properties Appeals Board
- §21-715 Eminent Domain
- §21-716 Right to Enter and Inspect
- §21-717 Construction
- §21-718 Code of Georgia
- §21-719 Severability
- §21-720 Headnotes
- §21-721 Repealer
- §21-722 Effective Date
ARTICLE VIII - Report of Spill or Release of Hazardous Substance or Oil
- §21-801 Title, Purpose, and Scope
- §21-802 Definitions
- §21-803 Incident, Defined
- §21-804 Notification Requirements
- §21-805 Spills
- §21-806 Penalties
- §21-807 Federal and State Law
- §21-808 Effective Date
- §21-809 Intent of Ordinance
- §21-810 Definitions
- §21-811 Hazardous Substances Registration
- §21-812 Registration Fees
- §21-813 Inspections
- §21-814 Exemptions
- §21-815 Federal and State Law
- §21-816 Effective Date
ARTICLE IX - An Ordinance to Restrict Smoking in Places of Public Accommodation; to Repeal All Other Ordinances in Conflict Herewith and for Other Purposes.
- §21-901 Title
- §21-902 Definitions
- §21-903 Application of Article to County-Owned Facilities
- §21-904 Prohibition of Smoking in Enclosed Public Places
- §21-905 Prohibition of Smoking in Places of Employment
- §21-906 Prohibition of Smoking in Private Clubs
- §21-907 Prohibition of Smoking in Enclosed Residential Facilities
- §21-908 Prohibition of Smoking in Outdoor Areas
- §21-909 Where Smoking Not Regulated
- §21-910 Exemptions (section deleted in its entirety 04/27/2012)
- §21-911 Declaration of Establishment as Nonsmoking
- §21-912 Posting of Signs
- §21-913 Non-retaliation; Non-waiver of Rights
- §21-914 Enforcement
- §21-915 Violations and Penalties
- §21-916 Other Applicable Laws
- §21-917 Liberal Construction
- §21-918 Severability
- §21-919 Effective Date
ARTICLE X - Payment of Registration Fee by Facilities with Hazardous Substances
- §21-1001 Intent of Ordinance
- §21-1002 Definitions
- §21-1003 Hazardous Substances Registration
- §21-1004 Registration Fees
- §21-1005 Inspections
- §21-1006 Exemptions
- §21-1007 Federal and State Law
- §21-1008 Effective Date
ARTICLE XI - Emergency Access Requirements for Gated Communities Unincorporated Chatham County
- §21-1101 Purpose
- §21-1102 Intent
- §21-1103 Definitions
- §21-1104 Standards
- §21-1105 Submittal
- §21-1106 Approval
- §21-1107 Maintenance
- §21-1108 Applicability
ARTICLE XII - Fire Protection Service Fee
- §21-1201 Findings of Fact
- §21-1202 Definitions
- §21-1203 Responsibilities of County Manager
- §21-1204 Fire Protection Service Enterprise Fund established
- §21-1205 Fire Protection Service Fees established
- §21-1206 Fire Protection Service Fee Charge Exemptions
- §21-1207 Fire Protection Service Fee Charge Credits (Reserved)
- §21-1208 Fire Protection Service Fee Charge - Billing, Delinquencies, Collections, Adjustments
- §21-1209 Appeals and Hearings
- §21-1210 Severability
- §21-1211 Repealer
- §21-1212 Penalties and fines authorized
- §21-1213 List of Ancillary structures billed in addition to the main structures
- §21-1214 - §21-1230 (Reserved)
Chapter 22: Animal Services
ARTICLE I - In General
- §22-101 Statement of Purpose
- §22-102 Definitions
- §22-103 Animal Not to Run at Large or be Kept in a Public Place
- §22-104 Provisions for Domestic Animals and Wildlife
- §22-105 Citation and Punishment and Jurisdiction
- §22-106 Keeping of Animals: Humane Treatment
- §22-107 Jurisdiction
- §22-108 Nuisances
- §22-109 Spay and Neuter Requirements
- §22-110 Exemptions
- §22-111 Authority of Public Works Department
- §22-112 Duty of Animal Services Officer
ARTICLE II - Dogs and Cats Generally
- §22-201 Definitions; Vaccination and Registration of Dogs and Cats
- §22-202 Breeder Regulations
- §22-203 Effect of Impounding on Dogs and Cats
- §22-204 Effect of Impounding Dogs and Cats on Owners and Non-Owners
- §22-205 Disposal of Dog Excrement; Proper Equipment; Offense
- §22-206 Tethering
- §22-207 Animals Left in Unattended Cars
- §22-208 Abuse and Neglect
ARTICLE III - Classified Dogs
- §22-301 Classified Dogs
- §22-302 Proper Enclosure
- §22-303 Fee for Classified Dog
- §22-304 Restraint of Classified Dog
- §22-305 Animal Control Board; Creation; Membership
- §22-306 Prevention of Classification of Dogs; Prevention of Attacks
- §22-307 Classified Dogs Brought into County
ARTICLE IV - Dogs and Cats Other
- §22-401 Animals Transported by Vehicles
- §22-402 Animal Confinement and Left Unattended in Parked Car
- §22-403 Limitation on Cats
- §22-404 Stray Dog and Cat
Chapter 23: Parks and Recreational Facilities
- §23-101 Park Hours
- §23-102 Alcoholic Beverages and Controlled Substances Prohibited
- §23-103 Conduct in Parks
- §23-104 Penalties for Violations
- §23-105 Severability
ARTICLE II - Public Boat Ramp at Bell Street and Whitfield Avenue also known as “Montgomery Boat Ramp” Ordinance
- §23-201 Hours
- §23-202 Alcoholic Beverages and Controlled Substances
- §23-203 Litter
Chapter 24: Environmental Regulations
ARTICLE I - Flood Damage Prevention Adopted on September 19, 2008, to become effective September 26, 2008.
- §24-101 Statutory Authorization
- §24-102 Findings of Fact
- §24-103 Statement of Purpose
- §24-104 Objectives
- §24-105 Lands to Which This Ordinance Applies
- §24-106 Basis for Establishing the Areas of Special Flood Hazard
- §24-107 Establishment of Development Permit
- §24-108 Compliance
- §24-109 Abrogation and Greater Restrictions
- §24-110 Interpretation
- §24-111 Warning and Disclaimer of Liability
- §24-112 Penalties for Violation
- §24-113 Repeal of Previous Ordinances
- §24-114 Designation of Ordinance Administrator
- §24-114.1 Issuance of Notice of Violation
- §24-115 Permit Procedures
- §24-116 Duties and Responsibilities of the Administrator
- §24-117 General Standards
- §24-118 Specific Standards
- §24-119 Building Standards For Streams Without Established Base Flood Elevations and/or Floodways (A-ZONES)
- §24-120 Standards for Areas of Special Flood Hazard (Zones AE) Where Streams with Established Base Flood Elevation Without Designated Floodways
- §24-121 Standards for Areas of Shallow Flooding (AO Zones)
- §24-122 Coastal High Hazard Areas (V-Zones and Coastal A (LiMWA))
- §24-123 Standards for Subdivisions
- §24-124 Variance Procedures
- §24-125 Definitions
- §24-126 Severability
ARTICLE II - Land-Disturbing Activities Ordinance
- §24-201 Title
- §24-202 Jurisdiction
- §24-203 Purpose
- §24-204 Exemptions
- §24-205 Definitions
- §24-206 General Provisions
- §24-206.1 Issuance of Notice of Violation
- §24-207 Principles and Standards for Greenspaces, Tree Protection, Tree Establishment and Landscaping: General
- §24-208 Principles and Standards for Greenspaces, Tree Protection, Tree Establishment and Landscaping in Commercial, Industrial and Multi-family Development
- §24-209 Principles and Standards for Greenspaces, Tree Protection, Tree Establishment and Landscaping in New Single-family Residential Subdivision Development
- §24-210 Administration
- §24-211 Requirements for Protection of Wetlands and Ground Water Recharge Areas
- §24-212 Fees
- §24-213 Implementation
- §24-214 Severability
- §24-215 Conflicts
ARTICLE III - Noise Control
- §24-301 Title
- §24-302 Definitions
- §24-303 Exceptions
- §24-304 Noise Disturbance Prohibited
- §24-305 Specific Activities Prohibited
- §24-306 Regulation of Sound and Sound Amplifying Equipment
- §24-307 Motorized Vehicles
- §24-308 Construction
- §24-309 Animals and Fowl (deleted)
- §24-310 Variance
- §24-311 Administration, Appeals and Penalties
- §24-312 Conflict With Other Laws
- §24-313 Severability
- §24-314 Effective Date
ARTICLE IV - Transport of Nuclear Waste
- §24-401 Notice of Transport
- §24-402 Prohibited
- §24-403 Exempt Materials
- §24-404 Atomic Energy Act
- §24-405 U.S. Government Exemptions
- §24-406 Effective Date
ARTICLE V - Lake Pollution
- §24-501 Gasoline Motors in Lake Mayer; Prohibited
- §24-502 Penalty
- §24-503 Repeal
- §24-504 Effective Date
ARTICLE VI - Industrial Wastewaters Deleted November 16, 2001. See Chapter 15, Article I, the “Combined Sewer Disposal and Industrial Wastewaters Ordinance.”
ARTICLE VII - Storm Water Management Ordinance
- §24-701 Statutory Authorization
- §24-702 Findings
- §24-703 Objectives
- §24-704 Definitions
- §24-705 Scope of Responsibility
- §24-706 Powers of the Department
- §24-706.1 Issuance of Notice of Violation
- §24-707 Storm Water Management Plans (SWMP)
- §24-708 Prohibition
- §24-709 Illicit Connections
- §24-710 Maintenance and Inspection
- §24-711 Administrative Enforcement; Remediation Plan
- §24-712 Appeals
- §24-713 Penalties
- §24-714 Variances from Requirements
- §24-715 Cooperation with Other Governments
- §24-716 Effective Date
- §24-717 Severability
ARTICLE VIII Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance
- §24-801 Title
- §24-802 Definitions
- §24-803 Exemptions
- §24-804 Minimum Requirements for Erosion and Sedimentation Control Using Best Management Practices
- §24-805 Application/Permit Process
- §24-805.1 Issuance of notice of violation
- §24-806 Inspection and Enforcement
- §24-807 Penalties and Incentives
- §24-808 Education and Certification
- §24-809 Administrative Appeal/Judicial Review
- §24-810 Effectivity, Validity and Liability
ARTICLE IX Technology Administration and Regulation
- §24-901 (Blank)
- §24-902 Definitions
- §24-903 County and Private Parties Must Install Telecommunications Conduit
- §24-904 Exemptions
- §24-905 Completion of Projection and Verification
- §24-906 Maintenance
- §24-907 Enforcement
- 124 Bull Street, Suite 210
Savannah, GA 31401
- Information:(912) 652-7175
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