Home Improvement Contractor Permit Requirements

Both the Department of Buildings and the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) require contractors to submit their Home Improvement Contractor (HIC) license and number when obtaining a permit for Alteration 1, 2, and 3 applications for:

The requirement affects construction contractors, Professional Engineers or Registered Architects hiring a Contractor (design – build contracts). Local Law 21 of 1968 (Section 20-397), exempts licensed plumbers, architects, engineers and any other person who is required by State or City law to obtain a license when the work is exclusively within the scope of the craft, profession or business for which he/she is currently licensed.

An HIC License is not required if you are a:

How to File

In Section 6 of the PW2, the contractor must respond to the HIC License question (Does the Work Permit applied for require an HIC license?). If the answer is Yes, the contractor must provide the HIC license number in the space provided and present the license or a copy to the permit clerk for validation. If applicable, you may present an HIC Affidavit (HIC1) to have the requirement waived.

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