Open Public Records Act

This document is a complete copy of P.L. 2001, c. 404, commonly known as the Open Public Records Act. It is the full text of the law, specially formatted to be easily readable and to serve as a reference document for users. The formatting consisted of adding bullet points, paragraph breaks, and spacing to facilitate easy use. However, no text or punctuation has been altered. This is also available in PDF format.

To assist readers in using the law, references have been made in the left margin to highlight the content of each section or important subsections.

Reference NJSA Section # Title
Legislative policy declaration 47:1A-1 Legislative findings, declarations.
Definitions 47:1A-1.1 Definitions
Biotechnology exemption 47:1A-1.2 Restricted access to biotechnology trade secrets
Limits to convicts 47:1A-2.2 Access to certain information by convict prohibited; exceptions
Ongoing Investigations 47:1A-3 Access to records of investigation in progress.
When access is available 47:1A-5 Times during which records may be inspected, examined, copied; access; copy fees.
Challenges to access denial 47:1A-6 Proceeding to challenge denial of access to record.
Government Records Council 47:1A-7 Government Records Council.
Continuation of common law 47:1A-8 Construction of act.
Continuation of existing exemptions 47:1A-9 Other laws regulations, privileges unaffected.
Access to personnel and pension records 47:1A-10 Personnel, pension records not considered public document; exceptions.
Violations 47:1A-11 Violations, penalties, disciplinary proceeding.
47:1A-12. Court rules
47:1A-13 Annual budget request for the council.
Section 15 Privacy Study Commission
Section 16 Appropriation.
Section 17 Repealer.
Section 18 Effective Date.
  1. When federal law or regulation requires the submission of biotechnology trade secrets and related confidential information, a public agency shall not have access to this information except as allowed by federal law.
  2. A public agency shall not make any biotechnology trade secrets and related confidential information it has access to under this act available to any other public agency, or to the general public, except as allowed pursuant to federal law.
  1. The custodian of a government record shall permit the record to be inspected, examined, and copied by any person during regular business hours; or

  1. in a medium not routinely used by the agency;

  1. specific directions and procedures for requesting a record;
  2. a statement as to whether prepayment of fees or a deposit is required;
  3. the time period within which the public agency is required by P.L.1963, c.73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.) as amended and supplemented, to make the record available;
  4. a statement of the requestor's right to challenge a decision by the public agency to deny access and the procedure for filing an appeal;
  5. space for the custodian to list reasons if a request is denied in whole or in part;
  6. space for the requestor to sign and date the form;
  7. space for the custodian to sign and date the form if the request is fulfilled or denied.

    The provisions of this act, P.L.2001, c.404 (C.47:1A-5 et al.), shall not abrogate any exemption of a public record or government record from public access heretofore made pursuant to P.L.1963, c.73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.); any other statute; resolution of either or both Houses of the Legislature; regulation promulgated under the authority of any statute or Executive Order of the Governor; Executive Order of the Governor; Rules of Court; any federal law; federal regulation; or federal order.