Difference between Data Mining and OLAP

2. Online analytical Processing (OLAP) :
OLAP is a computer processing that enables a user to easily and selectively extract and view data from different points of view. It allows user to analyze database information from multiple database systems at one time. OLAP data is stored in multidimensional databases.
Some key features of OlAP are –

Some applications of OLAP are –

Difference between Data Mining and OLAP :

S.No. Data Mining OLAP
1. Multidimensional Analysis. Online analytical processing.
2. It has large number of dimensions. It has limited number of dimensions.
3. Deals with the summary of data. Deals with the detailed Transaction level data.
4. Insight and Prediction. Analysis.
5. It is used to predict the future. It is used to analyze the past.
6. Bottom-up approach. Top-down approach.
7. Discovery driven. Query driven.
8 It is a emerging technique. Widely Used.