AI Freelance contract generator

Fill in all the fields and generate a freelance agreement in seconds.

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How to create a freelance contract online


Fill in your personal and client information

Ensure all required fields are completed accurately:


Define project scope and deliverables

Clearly outline the details of the project:


Set payment terms

Specify how and when you will be paid:


Outline deadlines and timelines

Define the project's timeline:


Establish confidentiality and intellectual property rights

Protect your work and client's information:


Finalize and download your freelance contract

Once all details are entered, download the contract as a professional-looking PDF or save your filled documents into your Notch account by creating a free account.

Finalize your contract for sharing:

Key elements of a professional freelance contract

Creating a professional freelance contract involves including all necessary components to ensure clarity, legality, and protection of your work. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each essential element:

Party information

Include the full name and address of both the freelancer and the client. This ensures that the contract is legally binding and accurately records who is involved in the agreement.

Project scope and deliverables

Specify the services you will provide and the deliverables expected:

Payment terms

Clearly outline the payment details:

Deadlines and timelines

Define the project timeline:

Confidentiality clause

Protect confidential information shared during the project:

Intellectual property rights

Specify who owns the work created and any usage rights:

Termination clause

Provide conditions under which the contract can be terminated:

Signature blocks

Include spaces for the signatures of both parties, along with their printed names and the date of signing. This formalizes the agreement and makes it legally binding.

Additional clauses

Consider including additional clauses as necessary, such as: