Business Proposal Templates

A business proposal is used to pitch products or services to clients with a specific goal (i.e., investment, sales). Business proposals serve as a valuable and formal opening for the proposing business, thus often catering to the recipient’s interests.

Business Proposal vs. Service Contract

By Type

What Should Be Included (14 Items)

  1. Business Proposal’s Title Page
  2. Executive Summary
  3. Business Description
  4. Business Plan Marketing Analysis
  5. Business Organization And Management
  6. Business Products Or Services
  7. Business Marketing And Sales Strategy
  8. Business Funding Request
  9. Business Plan Timeline
  10. Business Plan Budget
  11. Financial Projections
  12. Conclusion
  13. Appendices
  14. Signatures

1. Business Proposal’s Cover Page

Capture the recipient’s attention with an attractive cover letter that delivers the proposal’s title as well as basic contact information. For example, use promotional imagery or taglines if appropriate.

2. Executive Summary

Open the proposal with an engaging summary that gives an overall impression of its attractive features. Keep this section focused on the reader’s interests while making sure the entire proposal is summarized.

3. Business Description

Describe the business in detail. Focus on its services or products as well as its unique selling points and the target market.

4. Business Plan Market Analysis

Demonstrate the business’s market knowledge by explaining the market landscape, industry trends, and, especially, its market projections. It is essential to build the proposal recipient’s confidence in this analysis thus, show as much research as possible.

5. Business Organization And Management

Inform the recipient of the business’s legal structure so that its operations are better understood. Furthermore, deliver the business’s management structure and list the C-level executives with their curriculum vitae.

6. Business Products or Services

Explicitly discuss the product or service that will fuel the business’s profitability and growth. This section should also include proprietary information, intellectual property, and other relevant administrative factors.

7. Business Marketing And Sales Strategy

Include a presentation on the plan the business intends to use for its advertising and sales campaigns, such as its social media strategies. Produce a detailed section that is optimistic but realistic with market growth projections as well as risk factors.

8. Business Funding Request

If the proposal must secure investment funds, sponsorship support, or contributions, specifically state as much. In such cases, also highlight how requested funds will be allocated and their impact on the budget.

9. Business Plan Timeline

Share the business plan’s timeline with the recipient while noting when objectives, goals, or milestones are set to occur. For instance, financial deadlines, onboard completion dates, product launches, and market entry dates should be defined.

10. Business Plan Budget

Present the business plan budget in this proposal, especially if the purpose is to seek supporting funds. For example, if the objective is to find product investors, then focus on topics such as overhead costs, resource requirements, and funds allocation.

11. Financial Projections

It is equally important that detailed financial projections for the business accompany the previous presentations. Thus, present the economic viability of the business plan as well as the business’s sustainability.

12. Conclusion

Bring the proposal to a close while reminding the recipient of its contents and calling them to action. Also, invite the recipient to initiate contact and proceed to the next step.

13. Appendices

Accompany the proposal with a particularly organized appendix. This area is reserved for supplementary information as well as references cited throughout this paperwork and will show professionalism.

14. Signatures

Sign this proposal so that it will be taken seriously by the recipient. Additionally, reserve an area for the recipient to agree to its terms, conditions, and scope.