OCI - Affidavit in Lieu of Originals?

Does anybody know where to find this affidavit required as a part of list B for new OCI card. Please share any link or any sample. Thanks.

2. Affidavit in Lieu of Originals
Duly Fill-in and Notarize the Affidavit and submit along with the application.

Tags: None vimalm 03-07-2017, 05:21 PM

It will be in your document checklist under My account section. You will have to get that notarized I think.


Post Cancel ZODIACKANNI 03-22-2017, 08:18 AM

Made a mistake in selected columns

I made a mistake in filling Affidavit in Lieu of Originals. I checked the box on top left without checking tick marks on the selected columns in the form. Can I re-edit the "Affidavit in Lieu of Originals" form again in CKGS website and take a print out? I appreciate your timely help.


Post Cancel ZODIACKANNI 03-22-2017, 08:26 AM

Made a mistake in Affidavit in Lieu of Originals

I made a mistake in filling out Affidavit in Lieu of originals, I just checked on top left box without checking and selecting appropriate documents name under selected columns. Can I re-edit the forms again? Please let me know how to do it?

Thanks for your help.


Post Cancel skynice 04-13-2017, 07:21 PM

You can re-print from "My Account"

Originally posted by ZODIACKANNI View Post

I made a mistake in filling out Affidavit in Lieu of originals, I just checked on top left box without checking and selecting appropriate documents name under selected columns. Can I re-edit the forms again? Please let me know how to do it?

Thanks for your help.

Not sure if this will help you as I am assuming you already submitted the documents but for others who might read this. "Affidavit in Lieu of originals" can be downloaded and printed from "My Account" section anytime. What I did notice is that when you download it right after you complete your application, you get a column that says "Self Attested/Notarized" which is blank for all the documents (this confuses people as we don't know if we are suppose to sign against all the document listed) but if you go to "My Account" after say a couple of days, the same column changes to "No of copies" with "01" listed against all the document rows. Not sure if it was just with my account or others have noticed the same but just to keep in mind.